The past week marked the beginning of a mechanized vehicle project in science, an American history and geography project, and an investigation of ratios in math. We continued our work in grammar, wrote and revised several poems, reviewed the unit 5 math test, and visited the upper school science fair. We made our last trip to Okemo, and enjoyed several nice hikes on the melting margins of the fields and woods surrounding The Grammar School.
Next Tuesday, we may take an all school cross-country ski trip to Grafton Ponds in Grafton, VT. If the snow deteriorates, we may schedule ice time at Vermont Academy for the upper grades or look for natural ice.
Breaking News:
Eve McDermott (2nd grade teacher) and I are in the planning stage of a mixed grade production of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. We have arranged to work with Juliet Avelin on this project. Juliet brings a lifetime of experience to theatrical production. She'll choreograph and direct the production with the delicate but deliberate hand of a professional. Our work will begin shortly after the March break with a performance tentatively scheduled for late May or early June.
Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, February 28 5th and 6th grade travel to NEYT to see Robin Hood production
Wednesday, March 21 5th grade to visit Rudyard Kipling's home (Naulakha) in Dummerston, VT.
Thursday, March 22 K-5 to Windham Children's Orchestra at Brattleboro's Latchis Theater
Thursday, May 31 5th grade to Museum of Science and MFA in Boston
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