Thank you for sending your child to school with skis. The conditions were far from perfect but not bad...considering. If your child reports that borrowed boots were in poor condition, please consider purchasing a pair over the weekend. The West Hill Shop in Putney and Burrows in Brattleboro have new and used equipment. A good boot goes a long way toward making a confident and comfortable skier.
Today, we read a chapter in The Peaceful Warrior that focused on Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech. We read and discussed several passages from the speech and watched a video of King delivering the speech. This weekend, fifth graders have a short writing assignment. The task is to read two short passages from I Have a Dream. Then, write an interpretation of the metaphors or langauge being used. Please encourage your child to spend some time with this assignment. I've encouraged students to respond in paragraph form.
Enjoy the long weekend,
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