This past week we our continued work preparing for Romeo and Juliet rehearsals. We're scheduled to begin rehearsing with Juliet this Wednesday. For the next few nights, please work with your child and help him or her memorize lines and cues. Generally speaking, students have done a good job preparing. I think rehearsals will go very smoothly.
The pictures I've posted show students engaged in heart rate tests and a graphing exercise. You'll see pictures of students using microscopes to examine cardiac cells and participating in a heart dissection. There are photos of students reviewing play lines together, investigating Shakespeare's Globe theater, and playing miniature golf.
All in all, it was a full and exciting week.
The Bard Is Back!
For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo! Second and Fifth grades will present Romeo and Juliet on: June 6th at All School Meeting amd June 7th at 6:30 pm. A special sneak preview of Scene 7 will be presented during Grandparents day on May 18th.