The past few days have been busy ones. Most students have completed the construction of a wooden cube structure and a few individuals are adding final details. We’ve begun testing the cubes for strength and evaluating elements of strength and weakness.
In language arts, students continue to read from
My Side of the Mountain. The third written response to the reading is due on Thursday. In the spirit of the story, we’ve discussed and shared what might be indicators of a healthy stream. We discussed the idea of pH being an important indicator in a stream environment and we conducted a pH experiment. Tomorrow, students will step into the stream behind the lower soccer field and spend time looking for macro-invertebrates and other indicators of water quality. Students should wear appropriate clothes and have extra shoes or rubber boots.
Students are engaged in the second spelling lesson. We completed and reviewed the spelling exercise in class today. Spelling illustrations are due on Thursday. We’ll have a quiz on Friday.
In math class, we’ve begun to investigate the idea of prime factorization and exponential notation. I've emphasized the idea that in exponential notation, the exponent tells how many times a factor appears in the longest (prime) factor string for a given whole number. If your child is confused by this concept and needs help with homework, please ask him or her to check the notes in his/her math notebook.
In PSD, we’ve been engaged in low rope challenges on our rope course. Students have been both successful in these challenges and frustrated. The success is fun! The frustration has served as a platform for discussion and reflection on how we, as a group, work together most effectively. Discussing this at dinner might make for good conversation.
Next Thursday, we’re off to Merck Forest for our class camping trip. I recently posted a list of suggested equipment. By Friday, I’ll post a slightly more detailed list. I’ll “volunteer” students to bring a specific food item or two. Please look to the blog post for important information and your child’s assigned food item. If you have any question or complication with the plans, please contact me via e-mail ASAP.
I hope you enjoy the pictures.